Monday, June 23, 2008

Different Divorces

When you are investigating what divorce is all about it probably would be a good idea to review all the different 'types' there are in our society.

Some couples decide for the good of their children they should separate the home up into yours, mine and have common areas for the 'family'. Still others move far away from their spouse and have the children on designated holidays. Then there are people who set up two individual households close to each other and the children travel between the parents homes and school. There are also those mothers or fathers; whose spouse doesn't live up to their obligations nor supports or visits their children. The wise person will do their absolute best for themselves and the children. Some people find themselves learning a whole new kind of civility for the sake of their sons and daughters. If something pleasant comes from this for the parents; well then all the better for everyone.

Here are a few resources you may find helpful in your individual cases of divorce:
Stay or Leave?
Save Thousands!
Divorce Secrets
Divorce Decision!
Divorce Advice

Now what I wish for both spouses is the ability to learn from their mistakes and get out there and live bravely! (Sorry, couldn't find a similar book for the fellas yet.)
Which Guys Make Great Mates?


Anonymous said...

Hi, Ms. Schultz:

I tried accessing the "Writing for an Income" portion, but it won't come up.

Any tips? many thanks,

Julie Powell

R. D. Shultz said...

Hi Auntie,
I fixed the directional problem on my blog list so fill free to go there.
Ruth Shultz